
950 E. State Highway 114 | Suite 120 | Southlake TX 76092
(817) 481-4995


ValueScope specialists are experienced and trained in current valuation issues involving U.S. and international financial reporting standards related to purchase accounting and impairment testing. We combine our understanding of auditor and Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) expectations with our knowledge of financial reporting valuations to help national and multi-national organizations from virtually every industry. Regardless of complexity, our team of professionals provides thorough valuations while always respecting your time commitment.

Purchase Price Allocations under FASB ASC 805

Understanding the applicable standards and regulations is key to navigating the maze of esoteric issues that arise from mergers, acquisitions and asset purchases. As specialists in fixed asset, financial, intangible and strategic asset valuation, we bring creativity, accuracy and support to a higher level.

Intangibles & Goodwill Impairment testing under FASB ASC 350

Volatile markets increasingly drive the importance of these standards on a company’s financial statements. Our valuation specialists assess goodwill for impairment and provide assessments of impairment loss, where applicable.

Impairment or disposal of long-lived asset evaluation under FASB ASC 360

Evaluation of financial assets under FASB ASC 820

Stock-based compensation under FASB ASC 718

Our team performed a fair value analysis on a complex executive compensation plan for a client preparing for a public offering. Given the increased level of audit scrutiny, the project required an expert capable of providing an accurate, GAAP compliant analysis and effectively documenting and communicating the particular methodology to auditors. Our team recognized the unique aspects of the engagement, effectively constructed and delivered a complex, Monte-Carlo analysis, and efficiently guided the client through the audit process.

Derivative securities

Valuation of embedded securities

Determining the fair value of intangible and tangible assets as well as reporting units is an important process every company must fully understand. It’s essential in order to comply with the requirements of ASC 805, 350 and 360 and IFRS 3. How these standards are implemented and interpreted is constantly in flux.

Intellectual Property and Intangible Asset Valuation

ValueScope has extensive experience in valuing intellectual property and other types of intangible assets. Having analyzed and overseen the valuation of countless businesses, ValueScope has gained the technical background necessary to analyze complex intellectual property valuations including:

  • Contract-related (e.g., favorable supplier or other product/service contracts)
  • Customer-related (e.g., customer lists and customer relationships)
  • Data processing-related (e.g., computer software, automated databases)
  • Engineering-related (e.g., patents, trade secrets)
  • Goodwill-related (e.g., going-concern value)
  • Human capital-related (e.g., employment agreements, a trained and assembled workforce)
  • Internet-related (e.g., domain names, process applications, services, and delivery systems)
  • Literary-related (e.g., literary copyrights, musical composition copyrights)
  • Location-related (e.g., leasehold interests, certificates of need)
  • Marketing-related (e.g., trademarks and trade names)
  • Technology-related (e.g., engineering drawings and technical documentation)

Examples of our work:


Our team provides annual intangible asset and goodwill impairment studies for a privately held sports trading card and collectibles company. This is done to comply with U.S and international accounting standards. Each year, we help the company determine the fair value of the company’s equity, indefinite lived trade names and trademarks and goodwill to comply with the requirements of Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 350 and International Accounting Standards (IAS) 36.


Our team helped a privately held digital media technology company determine the fair value and economic life of intangible assets. These were contributions made by an investor in exchange for equity and assumed debt. The intangible assets included license and royalty agreements with musical artists and proprietary technology.

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